Monday, November 29, 2010

Two posts in a day, this must be insanity!! No, it's just a Christmas miracle :)

So today we got a little "crazy in the kitchen" haha and the hallway. It looks like we live at the North Pole with Buddy the Elf!! And I love it! It's really starting to feel like christmas already!

 The christmas tree from home!!

 They both went under the mistletoe and settled for a hug :) how cute

 FHE!! Making snowflakes and sledding :)

 Our hallway just makes me smile everytime I walk down. It's so cute!! This place doesn't seem so ugly or as bland when we have it all decked out for the holidays :)
Ah! The snow is coming down on my face!! haha


  1. I love it Em! I wish there was actually room in our dorm to decorate!

  2. The snow on your mirror kinda reminds me of melting marshmallows! Haha sledding sounds bomb too.

  3. As far as you know...those ARE marshmallows melting down our mirror... haha :)
