Last night I had gotten all ready for bed. I laid down and waited for sleep to come. My thoughts came along instead. I starting thinking about a situation and how things could have turned our differently and how I regret always letting my feelings run away with me. Different lyrics kept popping into my head to describe certain feelings. Such as the wonderful John Allred's: "we could have been golden, could have been something, could have been everything that we wanted. But we were too fragile, we could be broken and we could be bought" (yes I obviously sang this in my head while typing...duh). While I was thus being very dramatic and starting to feel sorry for myself, I looked at my fingers and instantly smiled. I had forgotten that I had painted my nails glow in the dark :). They looked awesome! I continued to make shapes in the night with my fingers of light and entertained myself for quite a while. Then I remembered where I got this wonderful gift of happiness. Girls Camp. I thought about how awesome my last year of girls camp was even though I was so nervous going into it, thinking that all the girls in the stake would hate an "outsider" (I went to a different high school than the rest of my stake). I remember all of the awesome friends I made and how I loved being a YCL. It gave me an excuse to try and be the center of attention all the time. haha After I was done thinking about girls camp, I thought about camping in general and how awesome it is. Then I drifted into sleep.
The end.
My stream of consciousness just took over last night and I thought I'd share :) Don't judge. Today has been a hard day. I didn't do too well on my final, I've been thinking a lot (never a good endeavor), and I've been all around a little bit grumpy. Besides when I wasn't studying and watched sytycd :) I love that show SO much it's ridiculous. Favorite so far? That girl named Ryan. She's amazing. But no group will ever measure up to season 6 with Jeanine <3 <3. Love her! And here she is in an AWESOME hip hop number from her season.
"(yes I obviously sang this in my head while typing...duh)"... hahahaha :) oh Emily, I just love you a bunch!