But I also love the episode where they go golfing!!

And the one where Lucy and Ethel get stuck on the roof in "Vacation from Marriage"

And the one with the "bonus bucks"

The one with the "friends of the friendless"

The one where the girls try and wallpaper Lucy's apartment and Lucy looses Ethel when she wallpapers the closet door!

And when Ricky and Lucy get handcuffed together!!And Lucy has to be his other arm when Ricky goes on TV to sing. I tell ya I was laughing so hard at all of the girly motions she makes Ricky do with that right hand, I just LOVE it!!!

And I watched a really funny one just the other day that I hadn't seen before, but Lucy gets this award winning cup stuck on her head when she pretends it's a hat and goes through the subway trying to get the cup to Ricky in time to present it to the horse racer who won it. I was cracking up just watching Lucy get lost in the subway station with this cup on her head and seeing her on the actual subway with a net around the cup and Ethel says, "what haven't you ever seen a beekeeper use the subway before?!" haha I just can't get enough :) I know the clip is a little long... but it's entertaining!!
Lucille Ball was an amazing actress and can pull the BEST faces ever and I just love all of her episodes of I Love Lucy. Each one leaves me walking away with a smile!
Good memories watching shows like that at my house. I like the grape stomping episode.