This weekend was like an epic win in and of itself. I went home for a bit on Friday and this happened:

So cute.
Friday night we went to a dance party at the king. The DJ was suffering at first, but before you knew it, it turned into a pretty sweet night! Just gettin' my dance on in the middle with friends and some attractive men of course. haha Pretty fun!! After the dance we just messed around a little and played ultimate and went on a Rancharito's run. The boys all got stuff, but I wasn't feelin' a breakfast burrito at the time. I just wanted to go to another dance! Maybe this weekend :)
Saturday came and Camie and I hit the pool. I don't know why I enjoy hitting the pool so much. Even though that's the place where I lost my sunnies. They were pink aviators and I miss them a lot... After we went to the pool Camie went to work and I got ready for the football game! Then Annalise and Harumi came over!! We made Daily Grace's funfetti brownies and obviously, with us cooking, they turned out delicious!

The football game turned up unfortunate, but at least we got to make awesome food. Hopefully this week will go better my men in blue.
Saturday night was quite the night. We went up in the canyon with Charlie and his friends and did a bonfire with some random people, so that was pretty sweet. THEN on the ride back. Oh my goodness. Completed my whole life. So there I was jamming out to the music and singing it to all the cars we were passing when who should I sing to next??? BRANDON DAVIES. Yes, that freaking attractive man from the basketball team...(who was kicked off last season for some wrong choices...but forgiveness is key right??) And he gave me a little cute wave with a corny smile, so I did one back and kinda laughed to myself. And then 5 seconds later I realized who I just car-flirted with. Brandon freaking Davies. So great. AND he was driving a shiny black SUV. So hot. Anyways, that pretty much completed my soul and now I can die happy.
Brandon freaking Davies. Ha! I love it :)