One is ky who is heading back down to SUU :( The school is just so far away... it's dumb. haha no offense. But really. It's bittersweet. I wanna get back to school really bad, but I'll definitely miss everyone while I'm gone down there! (shh we all know I come home every 2-3 weeks anyways). But here's me and Ky!

The other is Carson is leaving out for two years!! He's been an amazing friend to me and I will definitely miss talking to him a lot. But I know the mission is the best place in the world to be right now and only wish that I could be heading out somewhere right now to serve the Lord too! Good luck Carson!! You'll do amazing things out there for the people of Brazil!

Haha oh man good times :) Have a great 2 years!
ReplyDeleteoh man, this post makes me sad :( i miss you girl and hope everything is going great in provo! you are my best friend and always will be! thanks for the shout out, keep in touch kay?! love you.