Tuesday, February 8, 2011


(TA for Biology, once again my assignment is posted two below this one! Thanks!)

Headphones rock. I never realized how amazing headphones can be until I came to college and even more-so this semester!! I listen to my headphones without fail to every class this semester! I LOVE listening to my headphones. Here are some reasons:
1. I can't hear anyone. People will yell at me and say my name a million times, but they don't understand that I am in my headphone world of incandescently amazing music. And it's pretty funny when they think I'm ignoring them, but am not.
2. I love my iPod on shuffle. My shuffle is the most random thing ever. It's crazy! I'll be listening to All Time Low, then Dashboard then BAM Wicked comes on, then we go to Taylor Swift, then Allred, then another surprise it's...Pocahontus!! Next comes some Celine Dion and Rascal Flatts and then BAM again! Drop it Low comes on. haha It's so random and it always makes my day. It's a constant guessing game of, "I wonder what will come on next!!" and it never disappoints :)
3. I love when I'll be going along and then a good song comes on and the worst thing happens... I can't help but sing. So there I am walking across campus mouthing the lyrics when I think no one is looking. haha I'm such a nerd. Then a friend comes along and I might sing to them in an awkward manner or make them dance! It's such an adventure!
ANYWHO, I love my headphones. Nuff said.
This is me.....yeah...the tone of my skin has changed since the time this picture was taken.


  1. Michael Jackson?

    Haha I don't even need headphones to make myself look stupid when not hearing someone. I can do it without!

  2. "it's... Pocahontas!!" haha :) Emily, you make my day sometimes :)
