So I have nothing to do tonight. Cuz I'm cool like that. So I decided I'd blog. :) Just about anything and everything. So lately it's been kinda calm in our apartment. I don't know if it has to do with all of us being exhausted from insanity, or if we just lost all our friends to missions. It would be a lie if I said college is just as fun as ever right now. I miss Ryan and Buster and even the random times when I'd go get food with Q. I miss it all! I bet when it warms up things will get more eventful and hopefully there will be more dances and such, but for now I miss the old guys lately. So here I am down in the depths of boredom and just doing school and insanity lately and just going through the motions of life and now I find something to really look forward to.... ALLRED. of course. Yes. I'm obsessed. get over it. If you went to a concert of theirs, you'd be obsessed soon. Check it out, so John Allred is performing just himself in an acoustic set EVERY thursday this month for (wait for it, wait for it) FREE! Boom! That's what's up.
I'm pretty psyched about that. Also he's playing with my friend Patrick from Astronomy later on in March! That'll be way cool so I told Patrick I'd for sure go and support. I had no idea he sang... but it should be a fun night :) Lately I've had the song Landslide stuck in my head a lot. Explains my life right now. haha sorta? "Well I've been afraid of changing, 'cause I built my life around you. And time makes you older, even children get older. And I'm getting older too" Allred does a way cool version of it mixed with one of his original songs. Also he does this one which is probably in my top 5 favorite Allred songs (the pictures a little corny so you can ignore them):
Another few things to look forward to this week I guess would be my big "b-day" and then later on this weekend is the sleeping over with the old gang! I can't wait. Janna, Alyssa, Katelyn, Hannah, Camie and I get together every year for the past 3 years and have a giant get away! Usually we go to Janna's cabin in Park City, but this year we are relocating to who knows where! But honestly, I could care less. We could sleep on the top of Mt. Timp in the freezing cold or in the streets of Salt Lake. I just can't wait to be with the girls again. I haven't seen Katelyn in an eternity. Plus a few years. Seriously though, I love those girls. They have been with me through it all! We became friends in Jr. High and even though Janna went to the dreaded Woods Cross High School and we all went to the delightful Bountiful High School, we have all stayed friends and I'm so happy about that. Just thinking of all of us laying out on Camie's roof and drawing on the roof with chalk makes me close my eyes and escape to an endless bliss. I loved those times more than I knew back then! It's crazy how sometimes you don't realize how truly amazing things or experiences are until you take a step back and look at it from the outside.
Lately Marquel has been on my mind a lot. Don't ask me why. I'm just that creepy college kid who sits and can't wait to go home to see her 3 year old sister. She is just such an important part of my life. I changed for the better once she came into this world. I was humbled. And stronger. And she made me want to be that big sister she looks up to. I hope every day that I can be that for her and that she won't just think of me as that older sister who comes around sometimes. She really has changed my life. The best parts of my days are times when I get to talk to her on the phone or when I go home and she rushes into my arms. One of the hardest parts about my decision to live here during Spring and not go home is not that I'm not going to have friends down here or that I won't know anyone I'm living with, or even that I'm taking some hard classes. It'll be that I won't see her every morning. Or have sleepovers with her all the time. I'll have to wait an 2 extra months! Darn! Here are some pics of her :) It's funny how it takes college for me to really see that "growing up isn't easy". My family means everything to me. Which is probably why I go home WAY too often. But without them I have nothing and with them I have everything I could ever need.

Keep trekking onward, Emily! Hope you are learning a lot in Astronomy! It's stellar, isn't it? Haha best pun I have heard all year :)