Sorry I haven't blogged! Didn't think anyone really read this thing. :) Well we're out of Trujillo and back in Lima for the night. Our work is finished. The project in Trujillo went really well and I had so much fun doing it! Throughout the two weeks in Trujillo we went around handing out Adolescent Risk Behavior surveys to schools. We'd go into a classroom, introduce ourselves, and then hand out the survey and answer any questions the kids might have. I wasn't too good at the answering the questions part at first because of my spanish, but I soon got better and could communicate using the few words I know or just pointing and hand guestures. I really wish I'd known more Spanish especially in the classroom setting so I could get to know the kids and the teachers more. Anyways, we handed out this survey on behalf of the University of Utah combined with the University of Cesar Vallejo. It was a lot of fun getting to work with the med students there. They joined us on one occasion to hand out surveys and another to help compile data at the end! They were so fun. We even ended up going to a Karaoke Bar with them last night as a final goodbye in Trujillo. It was a blast! Nothing like seeing us Gringos try and sing in Spanish and them singing Whitney Houston's "I will always love you". Definitely a blast!!
We entered data into the computer A LOT! We'd spend hours upon hours doing it each day. It was nice to have the med students help out the last day so we could finish compiling the data! About 2,500 surveys done in all! It'll be interesting to see what the results hold and then we'll go from there! Despite all the work, we did have some fun! I FINALLY got to do my favorite thing in the world: play some soccer. One morning when we weren't at schools we went to Huanchaco! It's winter season here in Peru so guess who was at the beach?! NO ONE. haha It was fun though. We asked a guy with a restaurant if we could borrow a ball and started a small game on the beach! Playing soccer on the beach is HARD. Definitely got a workout. But that was just with our group which was fun. Then we took a break for a while and then ran over to a soccer court on the beach! Reminded me of my futsol days playing on the hard ground! I was so excited about it! And I got to finally show some Peruvian's what I'm made of! We mixed up the teams and in the end I ended up with four Peruvian's on my team. At first I was shocked that they were nice enough to give me a chance and pass to me. Then I proved my place as a valuable asset on our team :) 2 out of our 3 goals! And I schooled some kids as well. It was so much fun!
I also got to play some soccer after we were done taking surveys one day. A little boy, in my head I called him Chancho because he looked just like that cute little boy on Nacho Libre, was left at school from the morning session and playing with a ball looking all sad so I went and played with him for a bit! Sure enough people gathered and watched the Gringo who could actually play. haha It was so fun! I love how much the people here LOVE soccer. It makes me feel at home. The city and the honking horns may not be familiar to me, but at least there's still soccer :)
Tomorrow we head to Cusco!! Talk about tourism city of Peru. I'm super excited though! It'll be fun. For reals though whenever I think of going to Cusco I can't help but think of the movie Emperors New Groove. "Welcome to Cusco-topia, my ultimate summer get away... complete with waterslide ;)"
Pictures of everything on my facebook!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Religious blog
I'm one of the only ones of my faith, here which is a huge difference for me, but it's amazing how much being on this trip has reinforced my religious beliefs. Being a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has totally blessed my life wherever I go. It has helped me look for the good in everyone and it has given my life a true purpose. It's one of the few churches I know that answers with confidence, and I believe I have received confirmation through my spiritual experiences and the Book of Mormon, the three utmost important questions in life: 1. why am I here or what is my purpose? 2. Where did I come from? 3. Where do I go after this life? Knowing the answers and having a testimony and a confirmation from the spirit of God poured out onto me testifying of the truth of these things, it's truly remarkable. I know that I am a daughter of God and through that knowledge I can see others as such. Sons and Daughters of God. Everyone! Whether in Peru or back in Salt Lake. Whether of my belief system or not. It helps me draw connections and relate to those around me. And I can stand by my beliefs because of those confirmations of the Spirit that I have received. Because of the experiences I've had that have helped to strengthen me while in the LDS church. It truly brings a light that cannot be provided elsewhere. A light that penetrates even the thickest darkness. The gospel of Christ can bring peace into your life and make you whole. I know in my heart that is is true. That the knowledge of his plan for you obtained by study and faith can complete your life. And I will try with all my might, mind and strength to live His Gospel every day. I know that He lives and loves each and every person and he blesses our lives daily. He is not asleep. He cares about us. His hand is stretched out toward us still, beckoning for us to choose the path He has set for us to get us through our trials so that we might grow and become more like Him. No cause is lost. No person not worth it. There is a great difference between joy and happiness. And I know that the Gospel of Christ has been restored to the earth through the LDS church. It can bring you a kind of happiness that will never go away, but can stay with you and change your life forever.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Loving Trujillo. Got to meet the Mayor yesterday, so that was super cool! He's not only the mayor, but also the founder of the successful university, and the President of the University. Apparently he's running for President of Peru in a few years and is pretty confidant he'll win. So it was really neat! I've pretty much got all the hook ups in Peru now. haha After that we explored the town square which is kind of a drastic difference from the rest of Trujillo. It's very interesting and separate from the rest of the city. But I loved the colors and architecture and the amazing churches! It's also amazing because Trujillo was the first Peruvian city to gain independence! Today was like my favorite day in my whole life. We went to a school for little kids with the nursing students here and helped teach the kids how to wash their hands!! They were sooooo adorable. Now I know how my sister felt about wanted to not come home when she went to Ecuador because she wanted to spend all her time with them. This may sound churchy of me, but you can really see the light of Christ through each and every one :) So pure and innocent, recently taken from heaven and sent here. I loved them! I used what little Spanish I know to tell one that I had her same name or that I have a sister that's 5 years old. It's been amazing here and I've loved getting to know the nursing students and the administration at the university! They all say we're so "bonita" (pretty) but really they are so much more gorgeous. They all have such beautiful hair and skin and I'm in love with their chocolate eyes. We also get stared at. A lot. I don't think Trujillo sees many tourists around. I just try and make it fun and say Hola to them or wave at los ninos. :) Tonight we went to a dance/music concert put on by the University for Fathers day! It was great! We sat in the back and one of the ladies there brought us up toward the front and the next thing I know we're on the front row!! I feel so undeserving! I don't think I'm much into getting all of the attention turned to us. Even Caesar (the Mayor) showed up towards the end and greeted us all with hugs and hand shakes! It's a huge honor. I just don't feel that deserving!
. Tomorrow I think our schedule entails taking around surveys about the general public health and see what communities are facing what sort of health issues and gathering some data! It's been definitely an eye-opening experience here to what the rest of the world is like, but I've loved learning so much about the Peruvian culture and the people. I'm sorry I don't have many pictures on this blog, but it's near impossible to upload them at our hotel! I've tried many a times! haha

. Tomorrow I think our schedule entails taking around surveys about the general public health and see what communities are facing what sort of health issues and gathering some data! It's been definitely an eye-opening experience here to what the rest of the world is like, but I've loved learning so much about the Peruvian culture and the people. I'm sorry I don't have many pictures on this blog, but it's near impossible to upload them at our hotel! I've tried many a times! haha
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Our quaint little room in our quint hotel |
love the colorful buildings here |
Huaca Pucllana: aka awesome adobe ruin capitol of sacrifice centers and ancient administration. |
saw this and thought, my mom would appreciate these. Pretty!! |
hair in face |
The group (minus 1) gettin' their swag on at the ruins |
the famous Peruvian hairless dog. |
Alpacas. Not to be confused with Llamas. |
isn't your first thought when you see these guinea pigs, "YUM!!"?? yeah mine either. I will not partake. |
they close down this street every Sunday for bikers!! |
At the church there are litterally (haha get it) hundreds of wild cats!! |
una iglesia |
"Hola, Lo Siento, Gracias." The words I've said most often today. But I'm already beginning to remember more of more Spanish from school! Like "Cuanto Cuesta" for when we went through shops! Today has been a fun day though! Can't wait to see more of Peru with Trujillo tomorrow!
Language Barrier
Mom and Dad would be so proud. No matter how much I wanted to, not once on the plane did I sing to my iPod music out loud. I've come so far. But I can't deny the occasional mouthing of the lyrics. And the slight sway of the head to the beat. I can't help it! Plane rides are so odious. (Except for those sweet Euro 2012 games I watched on the first plane. (Netherlands, ya let me down)) But alas, I'm alive and well in Peru!! Just getting all together and getting to know the group more, it's been fun! I just hope I make it through the weeks I'll be here. It'd be a straight up lie if I said I was comfortable speaking Spanish. At all. I can pick up bits and pieces here or there but all in all I feel like I'm back in the days of my youth. Clinging to others for dear life as I venture out into the world. I can't help but reflect on our family's trip to Europe and how every 5 seconds we'd turn to my French-speaking father for guidance. Yes, I should have put in more of an effort in the last month brushing up on Espanol... or I should have at least bought a Spanish book to read on the plane. But hey! I've been fine the first 3 hours, what could go wrong?! Just worried for when I'll be "working" (not sure what that entails yet) in Trujillo.... I may be in trouble. This is definitely my most dreaded fear at the moment. Being lost and alone in the city yelling, "Donde estas me amigos!!" Which would be scary because that's one of the few phrases I even know. And I'm not even sure if it's gramatically correct! I could be laughed at by all of Peru. How embarrassing. But enough of that!
Here I am in Lima!! It's our first night here and I'm thinking it's gonna be pretty fun! Driving through the city, for the short time we did, got me super excited!! There were some cool statues and stores we drove past, and the beach! And of course I saw my one and only true love... a soccer field. More like a futsol field, but you get the point. All I want to do is go play now!! But tomorrow we have a fun filled day of seeing Lima and then off to Trujillo on Monday! Pictures to come of Lima next time! All is well here and I'm just excited to learn as much as I can about this awesome place!
Here I am in Lima!! It's our first night here and I'm thinking it's gonna be pretty fun! Driving through the city, for the short time we did, got me super excited!! There were some cool statues and stores we drove past, and the beach! And of course I saw my one and only true love... a soccer field. More like a futsol field, but you get the point. All I want to do is go play now!! But tomorrow we have a fun filled day of seeing Lima and then off to Trujillo on Monday! Pictures to come of Lima next time! All is well here and I'm just excited to learn as much as I can about this awesome place!
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