March 3rd 1992... what a great day. haha The coolest thing about my birthday is that when it was 2003 my birthday was 03/03/03. Too bad I didn't realize that back then as an 11 year old. Darn my stupidity. Anyways, this years birthday has been great! It wasn't the same as in High School where you'd see people you know all day and they'd tell you happy birthday to the point where you'd get sick of it. It was just a good amount. I don't enjoy too much attention on my birthday actually. Some people welcome birthdays and the attention, but I'd rather slip under the radar and still have it count as a birthday :) Today whenever people told me happy birthday on my fb wall I wrote them a personal comment back! It felt so good. Last year I just said the general status of "thanks for everyone who posted" but today I did the individuals and made it personal to each one. That felt sweet! It reminded me of what amazing friends I have and how blessed I am.
Anyways my birthday started off with a bang. 12 am we had pie, 1:30 I was asleep and suddenly I hear a ton of banging on my windows and much to my surprise two amazing men are there to serenade me and Alyssa (her birthday was the day before). haha it was so great! Such a wonderful surprise from Lewis and Brian. It's the kind of thing other girls look at and think, what if that was me!! Well for this one day, it WAS me :) haha Then morning came and I went to Book of Mormon. That class is always interesting because I have no friends. So I decided I would sit by this kid who I'd seen on campus a lot and it's that awkward thing where we kinda know each other and smile, but don't say hi. So I sat by him. Yeah. We didn't talk at all. He turned the other way and just drew the whole time. (remind you of anyone? haha jk jk)
After Book of Mormon I got some food and went home to a couple lovely surprises.
Surprise number 1: the notes my family gave me. This one is from the younger kids :) Pretty sure it's my favorite thing ever and Marquel drew me a picture inside AND it plays music :) Could things get better? I submit that it cannot!
Surprise number 2: a picture of a watch my parents are going to get for me!! I'm so excited! They do too much.
Surprise number 3: a bouquet of flowers. When I first got the flowers I was like what??? A boy!! haha then I read the label and observed the flowers and found out they were from my lovely mother! Even better than a boy right? haha I have such a cute mom.

After Psych was done I was finished for the day so I went home and kicked it on the couch, made some food, and made Ryan Bessey stay and watch Iron Chef America with me. I don't think he liked it very much. He made fun of it a lot... but hey! I love it! haha Then I went over with Camie and Alyssa to watch Allred perform for FREE at Gurus in provo. It was a lot of fun. Kind of a weird setting, but he wished me happy birthday (cuz those little tattles told him to haha) and we had a really good time hanging out and Alyssa played with the perfume and was just hilarious. Love that girl. Then they completely spoiled me and we hit up Sparks and got some drinks. Alcoholic. haha jk. Even though I am now 21 (refer to my facebook). It was a really fun day though from start to finish and I'm so lucky to have friends who will be there to laugh, to encourage, and to make me a better person! Overall it was a great day and even though I was without the family, they called so much it felt like they were right here! I really am so blessed. Hope all is well with everyone else!

cheesy picture "with Allred" haha we were technically
making fun of those who take these types of pictures frequently. |
the three of us :) |
yay for Alyssa and I!! FINALLY she'd take a picture with me. |
well this picture isn't awkward at all... some random people.
Camie says she was trying to get a good pic of Allred... idk about that. |
this defines who they are. Alyssa: thoughtful yet ridiculously great. haha
Camie: plays like she's evil, but is really just a jokester like that :) |
PS I'll give extra credit to anyone who counts how many times I said either "amazing" or "blessed" in this post. Sorry for the repetition. Here's a bush spray painted purple that I found.
"Yeah. We didn't talk at all. He turned the other way and just drew the whole time. (remind you of anyone? haha jk jk"