Sunday, January 23, 2011

Biological Issues Assignment- Biology

For my Biological Issues Assignment in Biology we have to find a biological issue in the world and address it with our own take and talk about it a bit, so my dear blog friends here we go! 

When searching for a topic to discuss I was lost, but while looking through National Geographic I resulted back to my affinity for animals and decided to discuss the issue of oil spills and pollution in the ocean. Oil spills affect not only life under the water, but also the life of birds and mammals on top of the water. The oil gets caked into the fur and feathers of ducks, otters, seals, and birds. National Geographic says: "Birds' habitats are destroyed and their bodies are covered with oil, which historically has ended in an extremely high mortality rate in the affected bird populations. " 

Affects: Oil affects how a species breathes, sees, if it can fly or not, how it hunts for food, it can also be very detrimental to their health. Additionally, the oil can block essential sunlight for coral reefs and creatures in the ocean. Oil spills force "sea animals to move away from contaminated waters. Contamination can be removed through natural and man made processes. Animals like clams and oysters work as filters and clears the impurities." Oil spills can be next to impossible to clean up so the only thing we can do now is help those animals and areas that are already affected and then work to prevent more oil spills in the future.  

Photo: Trash littering a harbor

Pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants that are outside the norm for a given ecosystem. Common man-made pollutants that reach the ocean include pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage, plastics, and other solids. Many of these pollutants collect at the ocean's depths, where they are consumed by small marine organisms and introduced into the global food chain. Scientists are even discovering that pharmaceuticals ingested by humans but not fully processed by our bodies are eventually ending up in the fish we eat.

Many ocean pollutants are released into the environment far upstream from coastlines. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers applied by farmers inland, for example, end up in local streams, rivers, and groundwater and are eventually deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas. These excess nutrients can spawn massive blooms of algae that rob the water of oxygen, leaving areas where little or no marine life can exist. Scientists have counted some 400 such dead zones around the world. 

Solid waste like bags, foam, and other items dumped into the oceans from land or by ships at sea are frequently consumed, with often fatal effects, by marine mammals, fish, and birds that mistake it for food. 

If we can't learn to clean up our messes and protect the environment then animals will be affected by our actions. We can still help! We can stop pollution in the oceans if we only try and get the government to pay better attention to this issue. We can help oil spills by changing oil rates, getting out there and helping clean the animals with oil spills, and encourage safer transportations oil that reduce the risk of spills. Ship Smart System says: " With the increasing demand for safety at sea and protection of the environment, it is of great interest to be able to predict ruptures in ship hulls as early as possible to prevent oil spills. Damage to ship hulls, especially in ships that are used to transport crude oil, may harm the marine population in the area of the oil spill. In this study, an innovative technique was developed to design a smart ship that had the ability to both detect the existence, and determine the location, of a crack that might occur in its body. The designed system is an innovative solution to the problem of fissures and can be applied to all ships, especially those that are used to transport oil. It can also be applied to pipe lines. The designed system is simple and based on the resistance theory technique. It can be inserted into the structure of a ship in order to detect and specify the location of a fissure." Another way to help out oil spills is to be less dependent on them. If we find another source of energy to replace oil, the need for transport of large amounts of oil will decrease and therefore so will the amount of animals being affected by spills. There is always something that we can do to help!!

"Bird Baths: Cleaning Up Wildlife After Oil Spills." n. pag. Web. 23 Jan 2011. <>.

"Marine Pollution: Centuries of Abuse  n. pag. Web. 23 Jan 2011. <>.

Smart Ship System: Protection of the Marine Environment. Environmental Engineering Science Mar2009, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p501-508

Walsh, Don. Troubled Waters: Oil Spills and the Big Picture. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings Jul2010, Vol. 136 Issue 7, p88-89 

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Love Lucy

I love Lucy is just one of those amazing shows you can't get enough of! I remember the first time I watched an I Love Lucy episode... I was thinking it was just a boring show based in black and white, but now my perspectives have changed and I have seen the light. The chocolate factory episode gets the most notoriety and everyone loves it (including myself) so that's up there with the favorites...

But I also love the episode where they go golfing!!

And the one where Lucy and Ethel get stuck on the roof in "Vacation from Marriage"

And the one with the "bonus bucks"

The one with the "friends of the friendless"

The one where the girls try and wallpaper Lucy's apartment and Lucy looses Ethel when she wallpapers the closet door!

And when Ricky and Lucy get handcuffed together!!And Lucy has to be his other arm when Ricky goes on TV to sing. I tell ya I was laughing so hard at all of the girly motions she makes Ricky do with that right hand, I just LOVE it!!!

And I watched a really funny one just the other day that I hadn't seen before, but Lucy gets this award winning cup stuck on her head when she pretends it's a hat and goes through the subway trying to get the cup to Ricky in time to present it to the horse racer who won it. I was cracking up just watching Lucy get lost in the subway station with this cup on her head and seeing her on the actual subway with a net around the cup and Ethel says, "what haven't you ever seen a beekeeper use the subway before?!" haha I just can't get enough :) I know the clip is a little long... but it's entertaining!!

Lucille Ball was an amazing actress and can pull the BEST faces ever and I just love all of her episodes of I Love Lucy. Each one leaves me walking away with a smile!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh and Frodo needs to get to Middle Earth...


Wasn't today gorgeous? I think so. :) I love how unexpected everything in Utah is. Rainy in the morning, feels like warm Spring in the middle of the day, and now cloudy. It's amazing. So here's an update for the past week or so....
1. Condoleezza Rice came and spoke to us! First black lady Secretary of State! She did an amazing job and inspired me to be a better American, Republican, and Mormon. What a great lady. Here's the crowd from the event!
View IMG_7476.jpg in slide show   View IMG_9473.jpg in slide show
2. I went to a Nerd Dance that was just fantastic! You can observe my outfit for the event in the photos below. After the dance I went to in-n-out with Ali and her roommates, Camie, Kent, and Geoff! After I got back I really didn't want to go to bed. So.... we decided MATTRESS HALLWAY!! haha it was a blast! First we were doing dominos with them, and then jumping from mattress to mattress, and then rolling down the mattresses (Markie) and then eventually we went to bed around 4 or 4:30. It was so much fun! We were just joking around and laughing hysterically at our many hilarious roommates. Oh and I was dodging the mirror...but we won't talk about that part. ;) it was a late night.

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View IMG_7477.jpg in slide show

View IMG_7462.jpg in slide show  View IMG_3399.jpg in slide show
3. I went to another dance. Sorry I have no pics from that one... but after that Ali and I reverted back to childhood and went onto the one and only!! Wow. It'd been a long time!! But strangely enough I don't think I've matured at all since that time of my life because all of the jokes were still just as hilarious as ever!! Anywho moving on...
4. Sunday was just fantastic. We had church, a delicious dinner, a really fun ward prayer (strange right?), food after ward prayer, and then I decided to head home! It had been my dad's birthday dinner that night after he got home from a Vegas trip with my mom and I had missed the dinner! So I went out and hung out with my family that night. Then I got in the hot tub with Tay which was so amazing!! Then I took care of some business around the house the next day in sending letters and such and then headed back to Provo! It was a short trip... that's for sure... but it was definitely worth it. Saying goodbye to Marquel again nearly broke my heart. She told me I couldn't go back to college and that I had to sleep at home. How cute :) I really love her. a lot. haha but yes. On my way back to Provo I saw this!! (sure it's not a good photo... my bad. But just take a look at the top half of it... or third... I don't's hard to take pictures on your phone...while driving)
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5. Since arriving back in Provo I have had much homework, but alas the Astronomy homework is done with and turned in and I don't have my Preview to Nursing class for another week and am now stress free. Last night as a predecessor to being "stress free" we went to the BYU Basketball game!! I just love these games. And Geoff came! haha he's been coming over a lot. He needs to make friends at his new home. haha Anyways, the game was awesome and we WON! But more than that... check out the bit of amazingness that I left with!! Oh baby!!! haha I went about saying that he was my boyfriend the rest of the night...(sorry it's such a bad picture! But it basically says "Jackson Emery WANTED for excessive stealing and premeditated thievery" I guess he's had a lot of steals in his career...)
View IMG_8719.jpg in slide show

6. After the game Elizabeth, Geoff and I went to Krispy Kreme around 11 and got some REAL donuts!! No dumpster diving for us on a Tuesday night! Plus Geoff wanted "clean and sanitary" donuts. Oh please. The ones out of the dumpster are delicious and to top it off they are free. That just adds to the pleasure of eating one of them. haha I know what you're thinking. Dumpster donuts? Disgusting. FALSE! They are fantastic! And they come in bags, sometimes they even come in boxes!! What's better than that?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today I committed a little sin. I went into Hot Topic. When Camie told me we should go in there to look for suspenders for the nerd dance I told her it was against my religion. Then I told her my mom wouldn't let me buy stuff in there. Eventually I stopped making excuses and her and I went on an adventure tonight!! First we stopped off at the DI. How I love Deseret Industries :) I got some way sweet pants, a shirt, and a bright green belt!! I thought we were set, but we had to make the last stop... Hot Topic. Before walking into the store I told Camie not to let them force me to do drugs and to protect me from any harm, but as I walked in my perception changed. We walk in and see the most glorious thing ever.... a whole section devoted to "The Undesirable Number 1" (aka Harry Potter) It was amazing!! Full of posters and shirts and purses! I just wanted to buy it all!! Luckily I have some self control. Otherwise that whole part of the store would have been mine!! Then we found our suspenders!! Mine are bright green and I'm REALLY excited about them :) I will put pictures of the nerd dance up eventually, but as for now I cannot wait for tomorrow!
Even the letters look scary...
Moral of the story: Hot Topic is not entirely a store of sin. Sure the music might be scary and I might fear for my life at times, but it also has amazingness in it. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goodbye Ryan!!

Dear Ryan, happy birthday. I've been obsessed with telling people happy birthday lately. Don't ask me why. Some people say thank you and play along others awkwardly try and tell me it's not their birthday. It's pretty much my favorite thing to do :) Anyways!!! Ryan has sadly left us! He came back to Provo last week and Geoff came over and they hung out with us for about 5 daysish! They made us dinner almost every night and were very good guests! And I went to bed around 3 every night! haha My sleep cycle is definitely off right now. I am pretty sad that Ryan is leaving on his mission and this was the last time we got to hang out. We went out to Denny's with a group last night around 1! Ryan has been a way good friend down here and is now headed out to Korea! Hopefully he will stop by and visit right before he leaves! Here are some pics from last night of him and Geoff that I just love :) 

Wrestling match!! 
Geoff won :)

Geoff almost smiled for the picture!

They were telling secrets about us...
We really will miss Ryan. And Geoff. Cuz Geoff will never come over without Ryan... But yes. Good luck out there Ryan! We love you!!

Motion stop

Pretty much I miss this a lot. The people, the friends, the school, the good careless times back in B-town :) I'm so glad they put this on Youtube!! How great!


Today is really cold. I'm not gonna lie it's hard to stand by Utah and everything when it gets this cold but hey, to those of you feeling down about being here in Utah and wondering, "why am I here?!?!" here is a post to boost some moral.

I love Utah a lot. I haven't lived anywhere else in my life and don't think I could anytime soon. I love having all 4 seasons very prevelently. I love the trees in Autumn

I love the crisp winter and all of the amazingness that comes with having 4 feet of snow in the front yard :) With the skiing and the walks to temple square and the endless amount of snowforts to be built and happiness to be had!

The snow may be cold, it may be miserable, you may want to stay inside all day and drink hot chocolate, but it is beautiful beyond my comprehension. And even if we get sick of the snow and the dusted mountains in all their glory, we have spring and summer just around the corner :)

This is a picture of the Provo River. When I was younger my family and I would
go down this river on tubes every summer!! The water was freezing, but it is one of the
most fun memories I have of growing up and spending time with my family.

(yes, this is in fact in Utah :))

Yeah sometimes Utah weather can be weird, and Utah isn't a place for everyone out there to live, but it's the place I call home. I enjoy the fact that I went to a High School that was 98% LDS and that we sang some actual LDS songs in our choir. I'm proud that I can go from looking pasty white in the winter to having a cool tan in the summer. I enjoy both sweating and freezing, even if it is in the same week. I find excitement in the fact that most money spent here in Utah is on repairing freeways and paying for snowplows. I love that they Olympics were held here and the spirit it brought to Salt Lake. I love that the center of downtown revolves around the temple of the Lord and that I live only seconds from any temple! I love waking up and not knowing weather to wear a sweatshirt or shorts. I love both being able to ski and wakeboard without having to travel very far. I love that my family all lives around me (with the exception of Michelle, but they will come out to Utah soon I am sure :)) and that I get to see them often because they are my world! I love that we have towns named after Nephi, Lehi, and other prophets from the Book of Mormon. I love that us people from Utah can pronounce Tooele correctly :) I love being called too innocent because I grew up in the "Bountiful bubble". Since when is being too innocent a bad thing? I just like Utah a lot. I'm not saying it's better than anywhere else in the world because I know that there are a lot of good places out there. I'm just happy to be from here and to have grown up with the people and in the place I have. I hope it has made me a better person living here and that I won't forget from where I came :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

movie nerd/weekend update/basketball is great/I love when friends come to town/yep.

Blog!!! I promise I'm not giving up on you!! Not quite at least.. haha so I had yet another great weekend that just makes me like being here in Provo more. Which is always good!! Friday night I went to a dance for FREE in the Wilk! I know some people are saying, "wow... dance in the wilk. Such a lame freshman thing" To those people I have to say: then you haven't been to a dance with Ali Brand and I. haha We make it so fun!! I definitely love hanging out with that girl and am sad that we hadn't for a while until friday!! Then after the dance we went with some of her FHE friends and watched The Count of Monte Cristo! That is SUCH a good movie. I highly recommend it to everyone! It just reminds me of the good times when we'd watch movies like this with the fam. Other movies in common occurrance in my childhood included The Saint (very good!), Mr. Boogedy (not the really scary one, but a family classic that is quite often quoted and not very many people have seen it sadly!!), X Files (great quote: "bzzz powers out" haha) and of course with Nat and Shell... Moulin Rouge! I guess I could call myself a movie buff. aka a nerd. haha But i don't care! Nothing better than going through the day and quoting movies non-stop. haha Katelyn Bleak is the one true girl who will understand most all of my movie quotes. Other just think I'm talking strange for some odd reason...

Anyways!! I got back from my great night and then Elizabeth and I watched TV and found Work and the Glory to be on :) haha Then we chatted with roommates and got to bed around 4:30! Then Saturday night I went to the BYU Basketball game!! I love these games sooo much and luckily this time Ryan and Geoff got to come with us! I love when they come to town to visit us. They have made us dinner every night since they have been here and I am just so happy to have them here! They are really good friends! This is a pic from a different bball game but i guess it still applies. 
Anywho then Saturday night I went on a date with Ali's friend who I met friday night: Lewis! It was so much fun! We went classic skating and wore disco stuff!! Then we got frostys! Then we went hot tubbing at Lewis' brothers apartment! It was such a fun night and I am sad my camera was dead so I did not get any pics... but as soon as some come up on facebook I will put a few on here! But in the meantime... here's a pic to get you through the week. It is probably one of my favorite pictures of all time...
Markie and I are so awesome.