I love Utah a lot. I haven't lived anywhere else in my life and don't think I could anytime soon. I love having all 4 seasons very prevelently. I love the trees in Autumn
I love the crisp winter and all of the amazingness that comes with having 4 feet of snow in the front yard :) With the skiing and the walks to temple square and the endless amount of snowforts to be built and happiness to be had!

The snow may be cold, it may be miserable, you may want to stay inside all day and drink hot chocolate, but it is beautiful beyond my comprehension. And even if we get sick of the snow and the dusted mountains in all their glory, we have spring and summer just around the corner :)
This is a picture of the Provo River. When I was younger my family and I would go down this river on tubes every summer!! The water was freezing, but it is one of the most fun memories I have of growing up and spending time with my family. |
(yes, this is in fact in Utah :)) |

Yeah sometimes Utah weather can be weird, and Utah isn't a place for everyone out there to live, but it's the place I call home. I enjoy the fact that I went to a High School that was 98% LDS and that we sang some actual LDS songs in our choir. I'm proud that I can go from looking pasty white in the winter to having a cool tan in the summer. I enjoy both sweating and freezing, even if it is in the same week. I find excitement in the fact that most money spent here in Utah is on repairing freeways and paying for snowplows. I love that they Olympics were held here and the spirit it brought to Salt Lake. I love that the center of downtown revolves around the temple of the Lord and that I live only seconds from any temple! I love waking up and not knowing weather to wear a sweatshirt or shorts. I love both being able to ski and wakeboard without having to travel very far. I love that my family all lives around me (with the exception of Michelle, but they will come out to Utah soon I am sure :)) and that I get to see them often because they are my world! I love that we have towns named after Nephi, Lehi, and other prophets from the Book of Mormon. I love that us people from Utah can pronounce Tooele correctly :) I love being called too innocent because I grew up in the "Bountiful bubble". Since when is being too innocent a bad thing? I just like Utah a lot. I'm not saying it's better than anywhere else in the world because I know that there are a lot of good places out there. I'm just happy to be from here and to have grown up with the people and in the place I have. I hope it has made me a better person living here and that I won't forget from where I came :)
hahaha "why am I here?!?" defffinitely was part of my facebook status.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, utah is cool. Not now though... let me go hibernate.
Wow Utah is pretty! (I won't say anything about the pollution) But honestly, I love the scenery here.
ReplyDeleteI find excitement in the fact that our taxes go to the freeways and snowplows too!
ReplyDeletehaha pollution? What? That's just a mix of fog...and clouds... And yes! All of my taxes...oh wait.