Blog!!! I promise I'm not giving up on you!! Not quite at least.. haha so I had yet another great weekend that just makes me like being here in Provo more. Which is always good!! Friday night I went to a dance for FREE in the Wilk! I know some people are saying, "wow... dance in the wilk. Such a lame freshman thing" To those people I have to say: then you haven't been to a dance with Ali Brand and I. haha We make it so fun!! I definitely love hanging out with that girl and am sad that we hadn't for a while until friday!! Then after the dance we went with some of her FHE friends and watched The Count of Monte Cristo! That is SUCH a good movie. I highly recommend it to everyone! It just reminds me of the good times when we'd watch movies like this with the fam. Other movies in common occurrance in my childhood included The Saint (very good!), Mr. Boogedy (not the really scary one, but a family classic that is quite often quoted and not very many people have seen it sadly!!), X Files (great quote: "bzzz powers out" haha) and of course with Nat and Shell... Moulin Rouge! I guess I could call myself a movie buff. aka a nerd. haha But i don't care! Nothing better than going through the day and quoting movies non-stop. haha Katelyn Bleak is the one true girl who will understand most all of my movie quotes. Other just think I'm talking strange for some odd reason...
Anyways!! I got back from my great night and then Elizabeth and I watched TV and found Work and the Glory to be on :) haha Then we chatted with roommates and got to bed around 4:30! Then Saturday night I went to the BYU Basketball game!! I love these games sooo much and luckily this time Ryan and Geoff got to come with us! I love when they come to town to visit us. They have made us dinner every night since they have been here and I am just so happy to have them here! They are really good friends! This is a pic from a different bball game but i guess it still applies.

Anywho then Saturday night I went on a date with Ali's friend who I met friday night: Lewis! It was so much fun! We went classic skating and wore disco stuff!! Then we got frostys! Then we went hot tubbing at Lewis' brothers apartment! It was such a fun night and I am sad my camera was dead so I did not get any pics... but as soon as some come up on facebook I will put a few on here! But in the meantime... here's a pic to get you through the week. It is probably one of my favorite pictures of all time...
Markie and I are so awesome.
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