1. Condoleezza Rice came and spoke to us! First black lady Secretary of State! She did an amazing job and inspired me to be a better American, Republican, and Mormon. What a great lady. Here's the crowd from the event!
2. I went to a Nerd Dance that was just fantastic! You can observe my outfit for the event in the photos below. After the dance I went to in-n-out with Ali and her roommates, Camie, Kent, and Geoff! After I got back I really didn't want to go to bed. So.... we decided to....do... MATTRESS HALLWAY!! haha it was a blast! First we were doing dominos with them, and then jumping from mattress to mattress, and then rolling down the mattresses (Markie) and then eventually we went to bed around 4 or 4:30. It was so much fun! We were just joking around and laughing hysterically at our many hilarious roommates. Oh and I was dodging the mirror...but we won't talk about that part. ;) it was a late night.
3. I went to another dance. Sorry I have no pics from that one... but after that Ali and I reverted back to childhood and went onto the one and only homestarrunner.com!! Wow. It'd been a long time!! But strangely enough I don't think I've matured at all since that time of my life because all of the jokes were still just as hilarious as ever!! Anywho moving on...
4. Sunday was just fantastic. We had church, a delicious dinner, a really fun ward prayer (strange right?), food after ward prayer, and then I decided to head home! It had been my dad's birthday dinner that night after he got home from a Vegas trip with my mom and I had missed the dinner! So I went out and hung out with my family that night. Then I got in the hot tub with Tay which was so amazing!! Then I took care of some business around the house the next day in sending letters and such and then headed back to Provo! It was a short trip... that's for sure... but it was definitely worth it. Saying goodbye to Marquel again nearly broke my heart. She told me I couldn't go back to college and that I had to sleep at home. How cute :) I really love her. a lot. haha but yes. On my way back to Provo I saw this!! (sure it's not a good photo... my bad. But just take a look at the top half of it... or third... I don't know...it's hard to take pictures on your phone...while driving)
5. Since arriving back in Provo I have had much homework, but alas the Astronomy homework is done with and turned in and I don't have my Preview to Nursing class for another week and am now stress free. Last night as a predecessor to being "stress free" we went to the BYU Basketball game!! I just love these games. And Geoff came! haha he's been coming over a lot. He needs to make friends at his new home. haha Anyways, the game was awesome and we WON! But more than that... check out the bit of amazingness that I left with!! Oh baby!!! haha I went about saying that he was my boyfriend the rest of the night...(sorry it's such a bad picture! But it basically says "Jackson Emery WANTED for excessive stealing and premeditated thievery" I guess he's had a lot of steals in his career...)
6. After the game Elizabeth, Geoff and I went to Krispy Kreme around 11 and got some REAL donuts!! No dumpster diving for us on a Tuesday night! Plus Geoff wanted "clean and sanitary" donuts. Oh please. The ones out of the dumpster are delicious and to top it off they are free. That just adds to the pleasure of eating one of them. haha I know what you're thinking. Dumpster donuts? Disgusting. FALSE! They are fantastic! And they come in bags, sometimes they even come in boxes!! What's better than that?
Not gonna lie, that mattress hallway looks like a blast! How many did it take to fill the entire hallway? 3? 4? How is astronomy going? My class is pretty boring but still easy :) Hope you are doing good, love the post!
ReplyDeleteEmily, it was a real treat returning to childhood with you :) ha.