She has such an amazing voice and she is gorgeous! At 3 It's incredible.
PS I have two blog posts started... one about the festival of colors and one about how accident prone I've always been... once I decide to finish them... it'll be epic. BOOM.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Giving myself a cankle while playing soccer was not a good thing. To keep playing on that cankle was not a good thing either. Then to wear heels to the dance on Saturday with my cankle was not smart. Then to try and jerk with heels on and a giant ankle that may or may not be sprained...that's just pure stupidity right there! haha I don't really know what I was thinking. I guess having a possibly sprained ankle can't hold me back from doing things I want to! If we happen to have an intramural game this week, bring it on! I'm totally going to do whatever I want despite the pain in my ankle. Most people who I show can't see the swelling...but when compared side to side and looking down on it, I totally can! Other people are just blind I guess. haha or they live under the strange impression that most girls have fat ankles like that. Either way they are completely mental (as Ron Weasley would say). The dance was fun despite my dance moves being slightly hindered by the ankle. If I had any dance moves to begin with. And after the dance Michael Gebhard, who was also there stag, offered to walk me home. What a nice boy. And we got in some great discussion about March Madness. I think he was surprised to know how much knowledge I have on the subject. I have never been into the whole "March Madness" stuff before. I didn't watch any of the games. But this year with BYU in it and with me making my own bracket, I am getting WAY into it!! I can tell you about Pitt vs Butler and the foul at the end that cost Pitt the game. And I can tell all of Jimmers stats from his recent matchups. I feel so knowledgeable about the ways of March Madness this year and it's so exciting! I'm so into BYU basketball that I am going to purchase this beauty :)
I am so excited that I get to be here at BYU during Jimmer's reign and that I get to tell my children all about it. Currently in March Madness brackets I have 420 points and my brother Taylor has 340 points. I am totally WASTING HIM! haha I guess my guessing and help from Geoff on a few teams has made me a winner. He is quite upset about it because he thought he knew everything about the teams, but unfortunately he made a few errors. One big one was putting Utah State pretty far in the tournament... I did not. Another big one was putting Georgetown far. Bad news bro. I WIN! haha The ankle is painful, but all in all, all is well in the life of Emily Davis.
I am so excited that I get to be here at BYU during Jimmer's reign and that I get to tell my children all about it. Currently in March Madness brackets I have 420 points and my brother Taylor has 340 points. I am totally WASTING HIM! haha I guess my guessing and help from Geoff on a few teams has made me a winner. He is quite upset about it because he thought he knew everything about the teams, but unfortunately he made a few errors. One big one was putting Utah State pretty far in the tournament... I did not. Another big one was putting Georgetown far. Bad news bro. I WIN! haha The ankle is painful, but all in all, all is well in the life of Emily Davis.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A wearing of the Green!
All day I've had the song, "a wearing of the Green" stuck in my head! It's a song we sung in choir! A little sample of the lyrics:
Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear
The news that's going round,
The shamrock is forbid by law
To grow on Irish ground.
Saint Patrick's Day no more we'll keep
His color can't be seen
For there's a bloody law agin'
The wearing of the green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Yeah I forgot to wear green, luckily I think people are past the pinching stages of life. The worst was in Elementary School when I'd forget and then get pinched like none other! LAME! Don't make the same mistakes I did. Wear green, be happy and have a great day :)
Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear
The news that's going round,
The shamrock is forbid by law
To grow on Irish ground.
Saint Patrick's Day no more we'll keep
His color can't be seen
For there's a bloody law agin'
The wearing of the green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Yeah I forgot to wear green, luckily I think people are past the pinching stages of life. The worst was in Elementary School when I'd forget and then get pinched like none other! LAME! Don't make the same mistakes I did. Wear green, be happy and have a great day :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
like a journal entry... sorry!
Boredom! Lately I have been so bored! For the last week I've been SUPER busy, but now as it is all slowing way down and I finished all my homework. I've watched many hulu videos lately and then last night I went to j.dawgs for the first time with my friend Carson and some of his friends. That was a lot of fun and reminded me of the good old Rock Canyon days and such. Later Geoff came around and we decided to go play glow-in-the-dark ultimate frisbee!! It was a blast and I happened to make the winning catch! A diving one no less! Running up and down the field really brought back memories of club soccer. Oh how i miss it. Not high school soccer of course, that one wasn't very fun for me. But back to the night: the bad thing about it all was that we started at midnight. After frisbee we all just cuddled under a blanket in the back of my truck and talked and hung out. Time flew and all of the sudden it was 3 am! Way too late for a school night if you asked me! But yesterday was definitely a fun day!
Today has been full of boredom as well. I've seen a lot of people get pulled over lately and I've been a little superstitious that I might be next! Why else would I be seeing them everywhere all the sudden?! So I've been real careful about obeying the law. Especially after my wonderful experiences with the law in High School. Getting caught for trespassing in the Viewmont house and going to court, getting two speeding tickets and going to classes to get them off my record, being pulled over after seeing the midnight premier of Toy Story 3 for making a wide turn and the officer suspected me of "drunk driving", and of course getting caught doing donuts in the school parking lot. Cops don't like me very much and I guess I'm not too fond of them either :)
I've also been sneezing a lot... anyone who really knows me knows that I sneeze a whole lot! And lately it has been in sets of 5! My allergies are incredibly sensitive to the changing weather and as the grass gets greener, my nose gets sneezier. haha But really! And once this starts then I start to play soccer outside more and then I develop my cough... Every year I get this tantalizing cough that just incapacitates me. It's always in the spring and it gets to a point where I cough so hard that I sometimes throw up! TMI i know. but it's true! I'm just going to start taking allergy medicine consistently over the next few weeks and hope that I can prevent the terror from even starting! That'd be fantastic.
So Friday I took the roommates home and it was great fun! But Saturday I left them for a bit and went to attend Jess's brother, Billy Yates, funeral. It was an amazing experience. One story in particular that I absolutely loved was one that Lucy Andre told. (seeing as this was my old ward I knew everyone who spoke and Lucy is a family friend of the Yates and ours). Well one day Lucy was watching Billy and took him to Costco with her. She was just pushing him around the store and shopping and he was being his cute self and holding her hands and kissing them. When they were about to check out a lady come up to them and told Lucy that she had been following them throughout the store and was touched by how cute Lucy was with her son. Lucy continued to tell her that Billy wasn't her son and was just her friend. At that moment the lady broke down crying and said, "you are so lucky to have a friend like him". That story just really got to me. He was such an amazing boy that was so close to Christ. I'm so happy that his life has and will continue to bless not only his family, but also all those who knew him. The funeral procession was right afterward so I didn't get to see Jess. I was just hanging out in the foyer after and you know, I had cried during the thing, but I was fine then and knew he was in a better place, but then Allyson had to come out. Allyson was my old neighbor. She had 13 siblings, but her sister Emily passed away in a car accident at age 18 when we were about 15. The very next day after Emily died, the whole family got up and bore there testimonies in sacrament meeting. That was a true testimony to me. ANYWAY, when I saw Allyson and gave her a hug I just broke down. I just kept saying that I wished I was there earlier in the week for Jess and her family. I almost envied Allyson for getting to relate with Jessica on such an amazing level that she could go over the day after Billy died and offer comfort to their family. It was definitely an emotionally draining day and at the end of it I only had one regret: that I hadn't given Jess a hug yet. That's all I wanted to do. Just let her know that I was there for her always. But the time came on Saturday that I had to take my roommates back to BYU for a fireside and stuff so we headed out. The next morning I woke up with the Yates family on my mind and decided to drive all the way back to Bountiful. Unfortunately when I got up there I got thinking that it was Sunday and I was sure they'd want to be with family or maybe that Jess was heading back down here to Provo for school, so I never stopped by! I've looked for her all the time on campus this week! I'm sure I'll see her soon and get to give her a big hug and stuff!
I'm sorry for the random and rather sentimental blog. I take that back, it's a REALLY sentimental blog! I probably wouldn't read it all if I were you :) Here's a cool song I like
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thoughts and Prayers
Things are going much better in the life of Emily Davis. My phone is up and functional and as my friend Patrick pointed out, I like to play games on it. haha Also my windshield wipers are fixed! I just have a test monday and tuesday to get through... but in the meantime I'm takin the roommates home with me tonight! It's going to be so fun :) I hope. haha The sad thing is that I'll miss out on Patrick opening for Allred! Sad day. But I'm sure he'll do great.
So something really sad happened back home while I've been away. Our old neighbors "the Yates" son passed away. I grew up being really good friends with their daughter Jessica and during Senior year I became good friends with their son Jonathan as well. This is such a sad loss for them. Their younger brother Billy was 6 or 7 years old I believe and passed away on Sunday. He had downs syndrome and you could just see the light of Christ emanating from him and his family. He brought so much joy to their family that you could clearly see all the time. He will be missed for sure, but I can't wait to see him again in the next life. My prayers have just been with the Yates family for the past week and tomorrow I plan on stopping in on his farewell. He truly was a great kid :)
My thoughts and prayers have also been focused on Japan lately. If you haven't heard for some reason... they had a giant 8.9 earthquake out in the ocean that caused a giant tsunami to hit. Hundreds have died and the toll keeps going up on those who are missing. This is such a sad time for them and I encourage everyone who reads this to keep the people of Japan in your prayers!
So something really sad happened back home while I've been away. Our old neighbors "the Yates" son passed away. I grew up being really good friends with their daughter Jessica and during Senior year I became good friends with their son Jonathan as well. This is such a sad loss for them. Their younger brother Billy was 6 or 7 years old I believe and passed away on Sunday. He had downs syndrome and you could just see the light of Christ emanating from him and his family. He brought so much joy to their family that you could clearly see all the time. He will be missed for sure, but I can't wait to see him again in the next life. My prayers have just been with the Yates family for the past week and tomorrow I plan on stopping in on his farewell. He truly was a great kid :)
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This is Jess and Billy :) He's so cute! |
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Watching the devastation that WATER can cause is just crazy to me. Japan: you are in my prayers. |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Missions are so great. I'm so happy they are a part of our religion. But sometimes... I miss missionaries a lot. haha Missionary number 1 I've been missing a lot lately:
Q and I go back to Jr. High. He is just such a positive person and so much fun. He's currently serving in Florida! I haven't written him yet... but I will!!
These two just go together. "cord and clark" yeah they think they are gangster, but we all know better. haha I miss their sarcasm and going over to Beth's for Fuze and me beating them in Halo :) Cord was such an amazing friend to me and he has almost been out a year now and I haven't written him!! I'm such a slacker!
I mean... how can you not look at this guy and love him. haha Although every other girl in our class has striven to marry this man some day, I will succeed. haha jk. He's just SUCH a good guy with an amazing testimony.
This is one of the 200 or so pictures we took of him while we were skyping :) I miss this kid a lot. Anytime someone mentions stats I think of he and I seeing jimmer outside stats or us running across campus to turn in our stats homework. What a nice kid :) He's leaving the MTC off to Korea pretty soon so that's way exciting for him!
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Quentin Willey |
Missionaries number 2:
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Cord and Clark |
Missionary number 3:
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Johnny Holmgren |
Missionary number 4:
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Ryan Oaks |
Then there is Alex and Buster and everyone else! I need to get on writing them... my bad. But yeah they were all really good friends to me and I can't wait to see them again soon!
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Alex |
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Buster |
And of course there are many more which are still to go. Some in particular: My cousin Brad, my friends Carson, Kyle, Mitch, Eric and much much more. But what an amazing experience for them to go off!! I'll miss them, but the fact that they are doing something that I envy so much, I'm just proud to know them. I DO plan on serving a mission someday. If the time is right I plan to go in two years. I've always wanted to serve a mission, but only got the impression that I WAS going to when I saw my brother off and then saw how the mission affected his life. I'm so blessed to have so many inspirational people surrounding me and keeping me on the right path and helping me make choices that will lead to a mission! Yay for missions :) haha
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
So every Monday gets pretty stressful. The last few Monday's I've had 10-12 hours straight of staying on campus. :( That's no bueno at all. Especially since only 5 are classes and the rest are studying and taking tests!! That's what I get for leaving my tests till the late day! This week will be different. possibly. Today was a pretty stress-filled day! I started out waking up and frantically writing the last two paragraphs to my BOM essay and then I went to go print it and of course, my printer doesn't want to work. So I try the downstairs one... I had no idea what I was doing so that was a no go. So I tried Elizabeths...nothing. By this time class was starting in 5 minutes so I just ran there with my laptop in hand. Luckily the teacher let me email it in! If that had been any other class I doubt they'd have as much sympathy :) haha Some more stresses weighing me down are my darn windshield wipers. They froze to my car like a month or so ago... so I pulled them off and one just got completely out of wack! It would do fine at first and then it stopped working. So my dad tightened it up and we were up and running! Then I drove in a crazy rainstorm and the wiper went off with a mind of its own and decided to officially stop working. So I couldn't even go home for my own birthday dinner on Sunday :( I was WAY sad about that. Especially cuz the family was all there. They ate my birthday meal... and had my cheesecake. Nothing could make me more sad! Missing out on birthday, family, and food. How depressing! Then on top of all those stresses and school being crazy the dumb AT&T guy does something to make my phone stop working. great. So now I'm phoneless, stressed with school, AND I can only drive 25% of the time when no form of precipitation is coming out of the sky. So weather permitting, I may have both the phone and car back tomorrow. That'd be nice. Just PLEASE don't rain!! (exhale).
It's been a hard few days. At least church on Sunday was something to look forward to! Naturally, it was fast and testimony meeting. It was an AMAZING meeting in our ward. The testimonies were powerful, the Spirit was there, and all of our eyes were full of tears. One thing I shared and bore testimony of on Sunday was my favorite scripture D&C 127:2. It's been my favorite ever since I found out that Marquel was going to be born. I had a bad perspective on change back then and I thought that this trial was going to be too much for me to bare. Then Joseph Smith inspired me to have the mindset that "deep water is what I am wont to swim in" and since Marquel has been born she has been the most amazing blessing in my life. I think that if we look forward to the blessing trials can bring, life will be so much better. I just really love that scripture a lot. a lot. haha Just have faith and the trials will be small and God will stand by us always!! D&C 127:2. Gotta love it. It's on my "title of liberty" and attached to my keys so I'll never forget :)
It's been a hard few days. At least church on Sunday was something to look forward to! Naturally, it was fast and testimony meeting. It was an AMAZING meeting in our ward. The testimonies were powerful, the Spirit was there, and all of our eyes were full of tears. One thing I shared and bore testimony of on Sunday was my favorite scripture D&C 127:2. It's been my favorite ever since I found out that Marquel was going to be born. I had a bad perspective on change back then and I thought that this trial was going to be too much for me to bare. Then Joseph Smith inspired me to have the mindset that "deep water is what I am wont to swim in" and since Marquel has been born she has been the most amazing blessing in my life. I think that if we look forward to the blessing trials can bring, life will be so much better. I just really love that scripture a lot. a lot. haha Just have faith and the trials will be small and God will stand by us always!! D&C 127:2. Gotta love it. It's on my "title of liberty" and attached to my keys so I'll never forget :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Birthday (pictures randomly displaced, my bad)
March 3rd 1992... what a great day. haha The coolest thing about my birthday is that when it was 2003 my birthday was 03/03/03. Too bad I didn't realize that back then as an 11 year old. Darn my stupidity. Anyways, this years birthday has been great! It wasn't the same as in High School where you'd see people you know all day and they'd tell you happy birthday to the point where you'd get sick of it. It was just a good amount. I don't enjoy too much attention on my birthday actually. Some people welcome birthdays and the attention, but I'd rather slip under the radar and still have it count as a birthday :) Today whenever people told me happy birthday on my fb wall I wrote them a personal comment back! It felt so good. Last year I just said the general status of "thanks for everyone who posted" but today I did the individuals and made it personal to each one. That felt sweet! It reminded me of what amazing friends I have and how blessed I am.
Anyways my birthday started off with a bang. 12 am we had pie, 1:30 I was asleep and suddenly I hear a ton of banging on my windows and much to my surprise two amazing men are there to serenade me and Alyssa (her birthday was the day before). haha it was so great! Such a wonderful surprise from Lewis and Brian. It's the kind of thing other girls look at and think, what if that was me!! Well for this one day, it WAS me :) haha Then morning came and I went to Book of Mormon. That class is always interesting because I have no friends. So I decided I would sit by this kid who I'd seen on campus a lot and it's that awkward thing where we kinda know each other and smile, but don't say hi. So I sat by him. Yeah. We didn't talk at all. He turned the other way and just drew the whole time. (remind you of anyone? haha jk jk)
After Book of Mormon I got some food and went home to a couple lovely surprises.
Surprise number 1: the notes my family gave me. This one is from the younger kids :) Pretty sure it's my favorite thing ever and Marquel drew me a picture inside AND it plays music :) Could things get better? I submit that it cannot!
Surprise number 2: a picture of a watch my parents are going to get for me!! I'm so excited! They do too much.
Surprise number 3: a bouquet of flowers. When I first got the flowers I was like what??? A boy!! haha then I read the label and observed the flowers and found out they were from my lovely mother! Even better than a boy right? haha I have such a cute mom.
After Psych was done I was finished for the day so I went home and kicked it on the couch, made some food, and made Ryan Bessey stay and watch Iron Chef America with me. I don't think he liked it very much. He made fun of it a lot... but hey! I love it! haha Then I went over with Camie and Alyssa to watch Allred perform for FREE at Gurus in provo. It was a lot of fun. Kind of a weird setting, but he wished me happy birthday (cuz those little tattles told him to haha) and we had a really good time hanging out and Alyssa played with the perfume and was just hilarious. Love that girl. Then they completely spoiled me and we hit up Sparks and got some drinks. Alcoholic. haha jk. Even though I am now 21 (refer to my facebook). It was a really fun day though from start to finish and I'm so lucky to have friends who will be there to laugh, to encourage, and to make me a better person! Overall it was a great day and even though I was without the family, they called so much it felt like they were right here! I really am so blessed. Hope all is well with everyone else!
PS I'll give extra credit to anyone who counts how many times I said either "amazing" or "blessed" in this post. Sorry for the repetition. Here's a bush spray painted purple that I found.
Anyways my birthday started off with a bang. 12 am we had pie, 1:30 I was asleep and suddenly I hear a ton of banging on my windows and much to my surprise two amazing men are there to serenade me and Alyssa (her birthday was the day before). haha it was so great! Such a wonderful surprise from Lewis and Brian. It's the kind of thing other girls look at and think, what if that was me!! Well for this one day, it WAS me :) haha Then morning came and I went to Book of Mormon. That class is always interesting because I have no friends. So I decided I would sit by this kid who I'd seen on campus a lot and it's that awkward thing where we kinda know each other and smile, but don't say hi. So I sat by him. Yeah. We didn't talk at all. He turned the other way and just drew the whole time. (remind you of anyone? haha jk jk)
After Book of Mormon I got some food and went home to a couple lovely surprises.
Surprise number 1: the notes my family gave me. This one is from the younger kids :) Pretty sure it's my favorite thing ever and Marquel drew me a picture inside AND it plays music :) Could things get better? I submit that it cannot!
Surprise number 2: a picture of a watch my parents are going to get for me!! I'm so excited! They do too much.
Surprise number 3: a bouquet of flowers. When I first got the flowers I was like what??? A boy!! haha then I read the label and observed the flowers and found out they were from my lovely mother! Even better than a boy right? haha I have such a cute mom.

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cheesy picture "with Allred" haha we were technically making fun of those who take these types of pictures frequently. |
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the three of us :) |
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yay for Alyssa and I!! FINALLY she'd take a picture with me. |
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well this picture isn't awkward at all... some random people. Camie says she was trying to get a good pic of Allred... idk about that. |
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this defines who they are. Alyssa: thoughtful yet ridiculously great. haha Camie: plays like she's evil, but is really just a jokester like that :) |
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