Friday, March 11, 2011

Thoughts and Prayers

Things are going much better in the life of Emily Davis. My phone is up and functional and as my friend Patrick pointed out, I like to play games on it. haha Also my windshield wipers are fixed! I just have a test monday and tuesday to get through... but in the meantime I'm takin the roommates home with me tonight! It's going to be so fun :) I hope. haha The sad thing is that I'll miss out on Patrick opening for Allred! Sad day. But I'm sure he'll do great.

So something really sad happened back home while I've been away. Our old neighbors "the Yates" son passed away. I grew up being really good friends with their daughter Jessica and during Senior year I became good friends with their son Jonathan as well. This is such a sad loss for them. Their younger brother Billy was 6 or 7 years old I believe and passed away on Sunday. He had downs syndrome and you could just see the light of Christ emanating from him and his family. He brought so much joy to their family that you could clearly see all the time. He will be missed for sure, but I can't wait to see him again in the next life. My prayers have just been with the Yates family for the past week and tomorrow I plan on stopping in on his farewell. He truly was a great kid :)
This is Jess and Billy :) He's so cute! 
My thoughts and prayers have also been focused on Japan lately. If you haven't heard for some reason... they had a giant 8.9 earthquake out in the ocean that caused a giant tsunami to hit. Hundreds have died and the toll keeps going up on those who are missing. This is such a sad time for them and I encourage everyone who reads this to keep the people of Japan in your prayers! 
Watching the devastation that WATER can cause is just crazy to me.
Japan: you are in my prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. The death count is in the thousands. Truly horrible. Also, that is really sad about that boy. My prayers go out to that family. I am glad you are having a good week!
