I was a very accident-prone child. Well I probably still am. Here are a few moments in my childhood that set me apart from the rest of human kind:
1. I have 6 SETS of stitches on my face. So many of them that I don't even know where half of them are. The most noticeable ones are the ones under my eye which I received at age 3 falling off a chair and having a glass bunny shatter in my face (I get asked about this scar CONSTANTLY and sometimes multiple times by my closest friends. It's quite obnoxious. joke!) Another scar is one on my eyebrow that I got when a chair came tumbling down and hit me in the face. And there are many more that I don't really know the back-story to or anything.
2. Racing was just leading down the path for disaster for me. One time me and my friend Cody were racing downstairs and I ran into a screen door...then bounced back... and tripped over a chair. Another time Cody and I were racing to the playground at school...and I ran into a yellow pole I didn't see and blacked out for a moment. I was kicked in the face and got a concussion at a soccer game once and insisted to my coach that I keep playing. Smart move right? Wrong. I became deathly ill that night.
3. Sometimes I just do stupid things. My most notorious klutzy moment came in an airport in Mexico. There we were waiting for hours in the airport and my siblings find the audacity to play a prank on me. They got me to step into a locker and insisted that it would be "fun". Upon my naive nature I trusted them and hopped inside. Next thing I knew about 15 minutes later a security guard was getting me out because the lock wouldn't open. Later on (I believe in the same airport...but I can't quite remember) I was running inside the airport like a fool. I thought it was a funny way to run and was trying to show off for everyone and BAM I fall on my face in front of everyone. Smooooth move. What can I say? I have lots of skills I guess...
4. Another location where I'd do many a stupid things was the trampoline in the backyard. One instance me and a friend were pretending to be "aliens" and jumping off this wood platform and onto the tramp. I was laughing and having a good time... until my head got stuck between the springs!! Foolish... foolish child. :)
5. I also had a bit of a temper... now this doesn't quite relate to being "accident-prone" but I guess I can tie it in because it's not my fault I was, pardon my speech, a hellion. I threw a hammer up the stairs after my sister, and...I gave my brother stitches while we played a game called "war". War goes like this...eh hem... the lights dim down upon the basement of the house on Ridge Hollow, I stand in a room all by myself with nothing but a giant plastic golf club to protect myself, the siblings are making preparations outside the room and getting pillows and love seat cushions that stand 5 feet by 7 feet (the great wall of china to a mere child like myself), and when the word is said, I am released from the prison and out into the darkness not knowing what is to come. Like a gladiator coming out into the colosseum I prepare for battle and inch out of the room. The next thing I know projectiles, pillows, and cushions are bombarding me so I must fight off the enemy! I go about with the only source of power I have, my golf club. I try very hard to fight off my brother, cousin, and sisters with the golf club, but the bombarding pillows don't stop! But I have a fire inside and I continue to fight! This was the game of my childhood. My siblings knowingly used my temper against me for a game! They would also taunt me and call me "Rhoda" who was this evil girl in a show that Natalie had watched with a friend!! I mean how mean is that!!
Luckily I have changed. No more hammers, much less tripping (but that still is an issue), and a lot less of a temper. Now I'm the chill one in the family! What is this?! haha But yes that is the insight into my past that not many people would guess about me. Gratefully my siblings can't get on me for having a feisty side and no more Rhoda in my life! Lucky for them I forgive them and love hanging out with them and they are amazing examples to me and we love watching Amazing Race :) Or in Shell's case SYTYCD!!!! (I can't even wait!!) haha

On the flip side: Life is going good down here in P-town. But I'm missing B-Town a lot and probably will be dying when everyone else gets out of school and is all back home having momentous summer adventures without me. In the meantime, the apartment is great, the roomies are super fun, and the classes are manageable! Peace out!
Hahaha!!! This is the best. Once I ran into a goal post too because I was looking the wrong way. I just got up and hoped nobody saw..