Bountiful High people...will probably be the most random people you will ever meet. We pride ourselves in that fact. A town of Mormons trying to have fun in random ways. I have been waterballooned, and waterballooned random people many times. I have sun tanned on Camie's roof. I have streaked at MPJH. I have danced on the Boulevard countless times. Alyssa peed her pants on the Boulevard... :) We prank called a ton. But most importantly I have dressed up so many times I can't keep track. Dressing up was just a part of life. We wanted to have fun...so we dressed up and walked around stores in Bountiful... We wanted to crash stomps... so we'd dress up and totally make other schools stomps fantastic... when we were bored...we'd dress up. When we were sad...we'd dress up (I can just picture Janna in that boyscout uniform while we laughed/ complained about life in Camie's messy room). In long (not short obviously), we loved to dress up :)
We also loved to quote movies. If you get Miss Katelyn Marie Bleak and I in a room together we will quote movies non-stop. And it doesn't stop at movies... Brian Regan is a regular favorite as well. Goodness I just miss those girls a TON. Senior year we kinda had our falling apart. As they got more involved with musical and all their musical friends I kinda went off and did my own thing. Then this summer we had some more great times together and I was really happy for that :) They were there through my whole awkward Jr. High stage and amazingly didn't desert me!
Camie and I share a special affinity for things like Karaoke. We went to Karaoke night at Applebees on University Parkway many Tuesdays :)
Alyssa and I are just nerds I think... We quote Phineas and Ferb and enjoy getting together to watch movies and enjoy each others company :)
So I definitely miss them and all the fun/crazy times we used to have and I can't wait till real summer when I'm back and Katelyn's back and we can pull more randomly amazing stunts to add to a fantastic list!

The following song reminds me of my random summer flings in my past. It's short. But good. :)

The following song reminds me of my random summer flings in my past. It's short. But good. :)
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