So about a year ago this Christmas my brothers and I started a band. I never thought I'd be cool enough to be in a band but TA DA!! haha I am. So our band is pretty cool. We perform all over the world. We first got our career started by traveling in our measly van but soon progressed to get a helicopter, a boat, tour bus and now a hover craft. We don't tour too often, but when we do we earn about 20 million dollars and we always double our fans. But of course, it's not just us we also have our entourage to help us increase our fame and fortune. Our band includes me the stupendous singer, Taylor the dreamy drummer, and Hunter the gutsy guitarist :) We have performed at the zoo, the haunted mansion, the skyscrapers of New York, and of course on a pirate ship. Yes we are really cool. Yes we are seriously good. Yes this is on LEGO ROCK BAND on the Xbox. :) T.H.E. for life! (yes, it looks like the word "the" and we love it)

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