Today I had nothing to blog about. I realized that I was so... so... lost. haha Which gave me the idea to do a short blog devoted to the television show Lost. This summer my brother Bradford told me to watch some lost so I was like, sure whatever. Thinking nothing of it and not realizing that I was going to be devoting my whole summer to the series!! Lost is a show about a group of people who get in a plane crash and are deserted on an island and strange things happen.... that's pretty much all I can say about the plot without giving the whole amazingness away!! I watched all 6 seasons this summer. Indeed, it was time well spent. And since coming to college I have passed on the Lost legacy on to my roommate Emma who is currently watching all of the seasons :) I encourage all people everywhere to watch this show. At least the first season! (but even if you only watch the first season you will become HOOKED!!) I hope that this post inspires you :) A few Lost quotes I love:
"Jack when will you realize, I always have a plan"-Ben
"Juliet's the BOMB!!"- Bradford :) "Everything happens for a reason"

I LOVE LOST!!! Not only is it a great show with many twists and turns, but it also gives a great insight in the end and has some awesome life lessons about second chances. I just love this show...a lot. :)
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